TSEAC School of Music
Developing the next generation of artists & creators.
Class Information:
This term will see a hybrid approach to learning (zoom and face to face classes), with in-person and zoom classes available (see below for more details). Our classes cater for adults and children, from complete beginners to advanced players.
Our new term of music classes will commence on the week of Monday 28th April. This term will run for 5 weeks at a cost of €50. Discounts will apply for a second instrument/second family member.
If you don’t have an instrument but want to learn that’s no problem. We provide an instrument loan scheme for all instruments except Box Accordion.
If you require further information or would like to register for a class, please contact Colette by emailing info@tseac.ie or phone (087) 9697054.
Term Dates:
Term commences week Monday 28th April for 5 weeks.
Class Information:
Monday (Afternoon/Evenings) Guitar Face to Face (Online classes available too)
Tuesday (Evenings) Tin Whistle, Flute & Fiddle (Face to Face & online)
Tuesday (Evenings) Fiddle (Online only)
Thursday (Evenings) Banjo (Online only)
Wednesday (Afternoons) Uilleann Pipes, Flute and Tin whistle Face to Face
Uilleann Pipe Classes available online too.